Obstacles in X-Traction Wake Park
Tentative obstacles plan is follows:

Medium Size (1024x540, 154K) - Full Size (2500x1300, 280K)
Obstacle descriptions:
- Small kickers - there are 2 small kickers in our lake.
Each is 2.5m long, 1.2m wide and 0.8m height.
Its smooth curved surface
allow you to get a big air if you edge hard into it.
- Big kickers - there are also 2 big kickers.
Each is 5.5m long, 2.4m wide and 1.2m height.
The Real Big launch! Smooth curved surface is well suited for inverts and raleys as well as for 1080s :)
- FunBox - standard shape with 6m long box part, 45° wall-ride section and 40cm wide rail section.
- DragonTable - the table-top box, 19m long, 1.2m wide, 0.8m height, 45° sidewalls and kicker ending.
- CamelRail - it is most innovative obstacle, hybrid of box and rail conceptions.
24m long, 1.8m height.
With wide endings, 2 narrow top gap sections and wide curved transition between of them. Looks like humps of a camel. Something like you've seen in "Counterfeit this" movie, but with more reasonable dimensions :)
- Inclined Ramp - Straight ramp, 2.4m wide, 6m long and 1.0m height. Nice for ollies on and rotations, beginners and pro, wakeboarders and skaters.
- Winch Zone - Equipped with SeSiTec System-2 cable. Two pools with 8 meters podium between of them. 3 obstacles on the podium - kicker, rail and table-top box. Two rails (wide and narrow) 5 meter long connecting the last pool with main lake.
For detailed views please see our Photo Gallery 2008